There is two different cables for the different styles of connection to the Suunto Dive Computers. You can click on these links to Download Suunto DM5 for free: FOR WINDOWS. The minimum computer “OS” requirements are: Mac 10.7 / Windows XP. It supports the following dive computers: Suunto EON Steel, DX, D9tx, D6i, D4i, D9, D6, D4, HelO2, Cobra, Cobra2, Cobra3, Vyper, Vyper2, Vyper Air, Vyper Novo, Zoop, Zoop Novo, Vytec, Vytec DS. Suunto DM5 is available in English, Dutch, French, Finnish, German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Chinese. (Suunto EON Computers use another type of cable, not the two types on this page). Dive planning has become easier with DM5. For Suunto EON Steel owners, DM5 offers display customization and firmware updates. The redesigned Suunto DM5 allows you to download your dive logs for advanced analysis and upload detailed dive plans to your dive computer. This cable allows you to download all the information from your Dive Computer and using the Suunto DM5 Software, allow you to log and track your dive profiles on your dives on your PC or Mac Computer. Designed to connect to both PC and Apple Mac computers via the USB port. The Suunto Computer Download Cable is a USB cable which enables you to connect your dive computer to Suunto DM5 computer software.
Description Suunto Computer Download Cable